Executive secretarial and office management

The Professional Diploma in Modern Secretarial and Office Management at Fahd Bin Sultan University gives students a path to development and progress.
On the job. It also provides an opportunity for further academic study later, including university degree programmes.
The accredited professional diploma in modern secretarial and senior office management provides a modern vision of the main frameworks in
Secretarial and office management. The professional diploma covers modern methods of organizing and simplifying procedures for the secretary
Executive, administrative and behavioral skills and the art of dealing with pressure for office managers in addition to business development
Executive secretaries and office managers while maintaining creativity and excellence in government writings and correspondence
Dealing with auditors and visitors to the office, body language, professional etiquette, and secretarial and management protocol
Offices and effective communication skills in the field of secretarial work. 


Academic Degree

Professional diploma

Duration of study

One year

program hours

60 hours

Teaching language


Teaching style

Distance Learning

Most prominent career opportunities

Secretarial and office management
Administrative Secretary
Executive Secretary
Manager assistant
  • Objectives and details
  • Description and plan
  • Admission procedures
  • Tuition fees
  • Courses Descriptions
  • NCE Accreditation requirements

The Diploma in “Executive Secretarial and Office Management” aims to

  • Provide participants with the modern scientific foundations and concepts in…
    Areas of secretarial work, office business management, etiquette and protocol skills, as well as developing their skills
    Organizing meetings, methods of dealing with others, and the behaviors that must be followed in office management and secretarial work
  • Providing participants with administrative and behavioral skills to practice office management and secretarial work from various applied aspects that help the manager in conducting business and making decisions.
    Developing and developing the capabilities and skills of employees to acquire modern knowledge regarding the use of contemporary methods and technologies in secretarial and archival work
  • Providing participants with knowledge, experience, and administrative and technical skills that enable them to achieve effective communication and coordination between senior management and the rest of the organization in accordance with the latest technology methods used.
    In managing and completing business in a way that achieves the organization’s goals.

General goal:

Knowledge of modern methods of organizing and simplifying procedures for the executive secretary Acquiring administrative and behavioral skills and the art of dealing with pressure for office managers Knowledge and acquisition of skills of the latest modern electronic technologies in secretarial work Knowledge of creative thinking and innovation skills Practicing creativity and excellence in government writings and correspondence Dealing with office visitors and secretarial body language Acquire effective communication skills in the secretarial field Practicing job etiquette skills (etiquette and courtesy) Practicing secretary skills in managing dealing protocols.


Main features of the diploma:

  • Training in Arabic
  • Distance education system (online)
  • Competitive prices and suitable times for everyone
  • Quality training, personal feedback, and step-by-step technical support A professional
  • diploma designed by consultants and academic experts with high experience in this field.
  • Professional diploma in modern secretarial and senior office management.
  • A professional diploma in modern secretarial and senior office management from Fahd Bin Sultan University Trusted by employers because it develops the knowledge and skills that businesses are looking for the world.

Training method:

We use distance training, work on projects or assignments, educational programs, practical assignments In particular, research and projects, or a combination of these. Regardless of the training method used, we guarantee Students have appropriate access to resources allocated to the qualification.

The training method can vary between units, and this is subject to the nature of each unit. Students will work on Various projects throughout the diploma period.

It is possible to customize the course time to suit individuals and institutions to avoid the course time conflicting with working hours.



الرسوم شاملة ضريبة القيمة المضافة

  • 4600 ريال كاش
  • 5750 ريال(2875 ريال بداية كل فصل)
  • 6900 ريال (1150 ريال شهريا لمدة ستة أشهر )


Fahad Bin Sultan University
 E-Learning and Open Educational Resources Department




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